Monday, May 09, 2005

19 more days of lectures

B.O.R.E.D man.uerrk malaysian food?!hai I think I have forgotten how all those dishes taste like.Now I can only remember the taste of lagsana,pizza,pasta,salad,yogurt..*vomit*.The last time I ate Malaysian food was when Mr Zainal came to Brisbane and we had a little lunch party of nasi lemak..yum yum..if only he could come more often.hmm..too bad I am not given superpowers like the taugeh,I don't have fire breath.haih I pity all those poor people around him when he was testing his new found 'powers', they must have fainted because of his bad breath.bahaha.I don't go to the public libraries's too far..I think it's in the city.I only go to the uni library.We are allowed to borrow 12 books but text books are super big and heavy so in order to borrow a few text books,I have to walk a few times to the library.hai..sien man..I dunno how many ppl actually visits this blogs nowadays..well if u guys are free do post a blog..hehe

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