Thursday, March 17, 2005

"Sleeping is Addictive" Discuss

Essay topic: "Sleeping is Addictive" Discuss.
ANU is fun. interesting with lotsa stuff that i gotta do (assignments, team projects, tutorials, study, go out n eat, walk from bus interchange to uni, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, go see balloon fest, watch tv, crap, email, do nothing, do nothing, do nothing, do nothing, kendo... wa! so many things to do la!!!) lotsa stuff to try, food, food, and food...
The stuff between the intro and the conclusion:
but the pace is picking up for me. kinda good. b4 this, i sleep so much that i was addicted to it. I would wake up n want to sleep again, n wake up, n want to sleep again, til i sleep for bout half d day, without doing anything or moving too much, like hybernating in summer. haha. Therefore, i suspect that sleeping is addictive. maybe sleeping will actually produce some kind of drugs in ur body, u noe, like morphin/ cocaine/ marijuana/ opium and stuff... hmmm... why else would we need to sleep so much and sleep almost everyday? if u dun sleep, u end up with withdrawal syndrom. If u have the will, u can break from this addiction that has plagued humanity since we were born. That means that you do not have to sleep anymore. n maybe u might gain some kind of super power like gaara too(turn into a giant angry sand squirel...) Dun believe me? that must because all those time spent sleeping is affecting ur mind and thereby preventing you from thinking logically.
Insufficient evidence to show that sleeping is not addictive.
Anyway, good night everyone and sweet dreams.


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