Friday, March 25, 2005

Easter break!!

weee easter break's a good change after exactly 1 month of hectic classes and endless assignments that causes hair loss..this is the 1st time I m celebrating Easter usually it would be just attending mass but over here ppl go around giving out chocolates..nice but due to too much chocolate consumption I have sore throat and cough now and I had to pay AUD11.50 for my cough mixture..which is like bout RM33+ so da moral of da story is nvr be too greedy with your chocolates..don't try eating all of it yourself,share it with your friends..hehe..nvr get sick in Aus's darn ex..da doc consultation is free with da OHSC card but da medicine is not!and da doc kinda what u guys doing for easter man?going hols?I feeling quite sien only da 1st day..after easter break got test d have to study..I celebrated Easter by going to city to grab some was nice but kinda ex..but nvr eat too much tastes nice on da 1st bite but after dat mite get jelak..hehe..well..just wanted to wish everyone Happy Easter!cw I keep my chocs for you dun celebrate easter ma..

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